The change from Summer to Autumn is a gradual one, it starts with the daylight reducing and the temperature dropping, except this year the temperature has been behaving oddly and has been positively balmy!! No the less the plants are all closing down in preparation for the coming winter. The nasturtium above is a self seed, we had a plant in a hanging basket last year and this grew from a spot under the basket. It has turned itself into a climbing plant and managed to reach the top of the fence!
I love roses and usually I deadhead them to encourage more flowers, but this time of year its nice to see the colourful hips on display.
The huge Sunflower leaves are all drying up and dropping off.going through some beautiful colour changes before turning brown.
This one is just about to drop, we need in the next couple of weeks sort out the garden and hope that we can encourage a few more self set plants for next year!
These are the last few tomato stragglers they don't taste too nice, they have become earthy, they stayed green for too long to be tasty!!
Soon before we know it we will be dealing with our one regular day of snow and it'll be Christmas!!!
We had snow today! It was gloriously fun!!!
I am also enjoying the balmy temperature of October!! It is probably because my mother is visiting and she is not too good with the cold!!! xxx
Are those nasturtiums edible?
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