Sunday, November 22, 2009

Time flies.

How come weekends are so short?? I have loads of stuff to do, I start them all and never seem to get anything finished. I start out with big plans and grand ideas, but I only ever get half of what I want to do done. I have some deadlines looming up on me, which is one way of concentrating the mind. I have some parcels to pack and make sure that they are posted this week. I have now bought all I need for them and should be able to pack them up tonight.

The weekend started on Friday when Beth and I went to see a fantastic school production called 'Souled' it was a modern day adaptation of the classic 16th century Elizabethan tragedy Dr Faustus. The adaptation had been done by the drama head and it was a fantastic show, with great acting, contemporary music and some stunning special effects, including pyrotechnics!! Carl came back from Uni to help with the production. It was a really fantastic evening out.
On Saturday Beth was at school to play netball I went to primary school and helped out on the face painting stall. I painted around 20 butterflies, 5 spidermen, two bats and a bear!! Laura and Beth both came over , Beth helped out in Santa's grotto and Laura got a lot of her Christmas shopping done.

In the afternoon we did a bit of a photo shoot, we should have started earlier because I didn't want to use the flash and as the light was fading a few of the photos were blurred. I did manage to get around half a dozen good ones, Laura is pleased with them and so am I!!

Today we went over to Stevenage to buy a few bits and pieces. We called in to see nan and grandad and did battle with the torrential rain. So weekend just about over and a new new week to do battle with is about to start.


Raymonde said...

Wow, Laura looks stunning. Well done model and

Sue Jones said...

I know just what you mean about the weekend!!!They go FAR too quick.
Your Daughter looks STUNNING ..She must love those photos!!
Sue xx

Wendy said...

Once again.......gorgeous photos of your daughter!!

Have a great day!