Beautiful Polution.
Every time we head to Newcastle we watch out for landmarks on our journey, one of the major landmarks are the chimneys at Pontefract and Goole. On the way back last week these chimney which are part of the national grid were in full production.
Because the sky was so blue and the air so crisp the white smoke was stunning against the sky. Over the last few years the A1M has been slightly rerouted so we don't pass quite as close to the chimneys as we did, but this gave me a better chance of getting a better photo.
All the photos were taken from a car moving at around 70 mph (I was in the passenger seat I hasten to add!!!) The smoke was churning out, Beth said they looked like cloud making machines.
Once we some distance away I looked back and I tend to agree with her, the only cloud in the sky does seem to be coming from the chimneys!!
Thank Goodness its Friday again, I don't know where the week has gone, but I am glad we have a couple of days off. I have been exceptionally busy at work and I have had some good results. I am gearing myself up for a fresh onslaught of 'stuff' to deal with over the coming months.
I seem to have had the longest Birthday celebration in the history of birthday celebrations, its not over yet, I am going out on Sunday for lunch with some friends and that should be it. My friends have been incredibly generous and to be quite honest I can't believe just how lucky I have been. As well as my new camera that my family have bought me, I have had new troll beads, a Tiffany lamp, £50 in John Lewis vouchers (wow!) £20 of Hobby craft vouchers, A fantastic bag of 'age inappropriate' things from my 'friends' - Sandra and Sue. My boss gave me flowers and wine, my other work colleagues clubbed together and bought me something I would never have thought they would, a hobby kiln!! I can't believe it, I am busy looking at precious metal clay and bead and glass making so that I can take full advantage of my new toy.
Glad you got some things done and had a wonderful Birthday!
Blessings, andrea
You so deserved to be spoiled, I am glad you are having a prolongued celebration.
I really like the photos. They are so crisp.
Speak soon. Love you. xxx
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