Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Busy Old week....

I am glad that this week is drawing to an end its has been a very busy one. I have had a full week at work with lots of different meetings and cases to deal with and all the time we have been helping Laura decorate and get ready for her house move.

All week Tom has been at the new flat with Laura painting and cleaning, gloss and emulsion its been a massive job and its still not fully finished . It is now fit to live in. We ordered some nets off of eBay and on the day of the move I got them up and looking nice. We also got some nice curtains from the Dunelm Mills sale so now she has a nice cosy looking bedroom and a bright sunny living room. The kitchen is still a bit of a mess, but the cooker is hooked up as is the washing machine. We have put all the crockery and china away and designated a food cupboard. The floor needs sorting but we are getting there. 

In the old flat Laura was on monthly direct debit for the gas and electricity, this flat is on key meters, today the central heating packed up and was showing an error, so we called the engineer when he arrived he found that the gas had run out on the card!!! Whoops!!

We are nearly at the end of this journey, tomorrow morning we will go around and clear up the old flat and take up the carpet (which we have given away on freecycle) we will give it a clean and then hand the keys back on Monday. All Laura has to do now is continue to empty the boxes left in her bedroom and she will be done. I am looking forward to next weekend when I can do my own thing again!!!!

I forgot to mention Mum is still in hospital, she has been moved from the orthopedic ward to the isolation ward, seems they had a bed crisis and she ended up there. We saw her tonight and she seems to be in reasonable spirits, she has been up and is looking forward to getting home once off of the IV antibiotics. I hope that will be soon.

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