Monday, October 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Laura.

October, my expensive month, this week it was Laura's birthday, so more cakes, more presents and more celebrating!!

I ordered some cupcakes with a cat theme, for the confirmed cat lover, the cakes were lovely with her name on some along with paw prints, a ball of wool and some sweet Kittie faces.

I love to take a photo of the three of them on birthdays on Carl's birthday they were not all there, so I had to encourage them to let me take their photo for Laura's birthday. Its great to look back at the changes over the years!

Hunny wanted part of the action and posed for me, I suspect it was because she thought I had some Birthday cake that she was longing for!!!

Its not a birthday without a selfie or two!!!

Yesterday was spent battening down the hatches, there was reports of strong winds heading our way so we needed to repair the lock on the side gate as that bangs around in the lightest of winds! We also have a fence post broken so we put a metal post in nearby and tied the post to that, its wobbling but still upright, we'll have to get that fixed before the winter is out.

I spotted these tiny toadstools at the side of my lawn. They are all no bigger than 1cm tall, they are growing out of the side of a moss covered brick. I love this time of year for all the different fungi!!

Last week I was away at Conference in Southport. I really enjoyed the conference but it was a pain getting there and back. It took three trains in either direction, five hours plus. At least I was able to pass the time with my crochet. Its funny the life that you see while watching what people get on and off of the trains. On the way back we were swamped by a hen party, the volume of noise in the carriage went through the roof, I had never seen so much fake tan and false eyelashes in one place!! There must have been thirty of them in their mega high heels heading into Manchester for a night on the town. I am sure they will have had a great time!

I am on the Standing Orders Committee, which I love. We look at the running of the conference and decide what can and can't be heard, its a great job!!

This year there was lots of talk about pay, everyone is suffering pay wise and its a matter of deciding how we deal with it. We have come away with lots of ideas. 

Today Tom has had his cataract removed, he had been preparing himself for the past month for this day. I was worried for him!! Its just the thought of having someone poking around in your eye while you are awake that makes me squirm. I dropped him off at Moorfields clinic at 7am and had him home for lunchtime. The improvement has been immediate! He is wearing a clear eye guard but he can see so much better with the new lens fitted. The operation took around 20 minutes and he said it was uncomfortable rather than painful. We are now into the eye drops regime for the next month until they are happy that all has healed well. The only real problem he has so far is that he feels a bit battered (paracetamol has helped) and he can see so well out of the new eye that his glasses are useless!!  Once things have settled down he'll have to get new glasses!

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