Sunday, April 29, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Settling In.
Well I have been at home a few days now and I am settling into the home routine. Its really odd as I have lots I would like to do, but absolutely no energy. When I left hospital they gave me iron tablets, as my blood count was low, but I am very reluctant to take them as they really upset my stomach. The thought of being in the loo 25 times a day is too exhausting to contemplate.
Last night I was whacked out, so I was in bed for 8.30pm, I slept for most of the night and didn't get up until 8am.
Yesterday I managed to do one layout and hung out some washing. Today I am aiming at doing the same. I feel so washed out.
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8:39 am
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I have been blessed!
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3:59 pm
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Back online.
Well I am back online after an enforced break. Over the last month I have had problems with my health and as a result I have had a couple of spells in hospital. I had some tests and as a result of those I had to have an operation.
I have just spent five days in the QE2 hospital in WGC. Its such a shame that the hospital is likely to close, because the staff there were hard working and did everything to make things comfortable for me.
I am now awaiting pathology results.
On the plus side it is going to take 8 to 12 weeks to get fully fit after this op, I am hoping that I will be able to spend least some of it in the garden or crafting!!
On the frustrating side I am not able to do things like hoovering and the downstairs needs doing every day because of the dog. I can't drive either, so can't go food shopping and relying on the hard pressed husband means I have some odd things n my food cupboard!!
I am looking forward to being able to spend some time catching up with Emilys card challenge!!
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9:06 am
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Latest card- Emilys Challenge - Birds
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4:48 pm
Friday, April 13, 2007
I went last night but I was simply not in the mood for it, so I spent most of the time talking to Sue and getting cold. Heather on the other hand did 40 lengths while I only managed 20 :0(
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3:09 pm
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
A Couple More Cards.
Love,Love,Love and ephemera.
I have had the Starbucks card in my purse for absolutely ages! I had no idea what to do with it because although I love Starbucks since being on my eating plan its been a place to avoid!!
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11:03 pm
Weigh in Night
Tonight I was really expecting to have put on some weight, I have not had a very good easter eating wise, and was expecting to pay for it. Instead I lost 1 1/2lbs, I was also slimmer of the week again, as just about everyone else stayed the same or put on. (except mum who also lost a pound!!)
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10:32 pm
Art Challenge
I am a bit behind in this challenge but I want to give it ago, its nice to do something small and fairly quick, not too pressured! Above is Something to be proud of.
This one is self explanatory, Initial!!
The last is 'Note to self'.
I have joined the Art Ring, which means I can go off and look at everyone elses works of art and look for inspiration!!
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9:03 am
Monday, April 09, 2007
There it is, Its gone !!
Here are a few shots taken over my Easter. The look on Beths face is what she thinks Easter is all about !! She was lucky and and got quite a few eggs.
Today we went to Standalone Farm with Hannah, we bumped into this guy, Mr Goose!
So we had a nice weekend, the weather was perfect, and its a shame to be going back to work so soon!!
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9:16 pm
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Blog Challenge
Shirl has issued a blog Challenge and I think I will have a go over the weekend, providing that I get the use of my main pc back!
Take photos to represent the following.....
1 Where I live, the house/street/city view.
2 A favourite place,be that the beach, the country, a favourite chair!
3 My favourite people
4 My favourite time of day....interpret as you want.
5 Myself!
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10:34 pm
Good News,Good News, Bad news Night!!
First the good, tonight I lost 4 lbs. Hurrah!! So I received my three stone award, and as an extra bonus or two I was slimmer of the week and I won the raffle. A clean sweep, because mum lost 5 1/2 lbs and a raffle prize, and Wendy lost 1/2 and won the last raffle prize !!
The second bit of good news is that at work, someone who I had not seen since last year noticed that I had lost weight, that felt good!!,
The bad news is that the PC (main house one) has throw a wobbly again. I am very close to going out and geting another one, but I don't want to lose all the data on the old one. I hope that it can be rescued for this weekend and then I'll go and look for a new one.
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10:03 pm
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Art Challenge.
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10:21 pm
I feel Much better!
I can hear you all saying Hurrah!! I feel much better today and I had to go back to work. The tooth is much much better, I can actually touch it now without going through the ceiling, a real step forward.
Today has seen a real cold snap again and I am sitting here freezing again. I want to do some scrapping as I actually have some photographs to do. I also want to have a go at the weekly art challenge, I am only 12 weeks behind, shouldn't take too long to catch up !!
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7:01 pm
Monday, April 02, 2007
What a horrible weekend!
Here I am sitting at the computer at 5 am on Monday morning, a time I never usually see unless we are going on holiday.
On Friday evening I got a bit of a twinge in one of my teeth, it was filled about a month ago, and chose Friday EVENING to start playing up. Friday night was bearable, but Saturday morning was awful, so I phoned the emergency dentist out of hours service, to be told that they didn't have one this weekend and that I should try self help remedies and painkillers. Well I had tried pain killers and they were just not touching it. The whole of my mouth was throbbing and in my opinion I have an infection as there is a lump under the tooth on the gum.
Luckily Mum and Dad had some unused anti biotics so i started those. The pain continued.
Saturday night I dosed myself up and got through the night, but Sunday has been absolute agony. I have tried a variety of pain killers and nothing has touched it. I eventually drunk some neat Bacardi which made me giggly and relaxed enough to get to sleep.(only about half a bottle)
That has now worn off and I have been sat here trying to take my mind off of it since around 4.30am.
To add insult to injury, I have put a load in the washing machine and it has sprung a leak, something else to sort out.
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5:32 am