One Long Party....
Its funny how the nice weather brings out the party animal in all of us, we seem to have been to a few gatherings of late and the odd alcoholic drink has slipped down almost un-noticed!!
Last night the beautiful weather took a turn for the worse and we had a humdinger of a thunderstorm. The only problem was that we were out at a barbecue, it was a real shame that the weather literally put a damper on things. The only good thing was that the rain came quite late after a lot of people had consumed a lot of homemade wine. (who knows how strong that stuff was,)
I didn't know too many people there, but Andy my washing machine man was on fine form, he managed to cook the barbecue and then it was all downhill from there on, he had great fun but managed to smash his head off the conservatory wall and while stumbling around in the garden he face planted a garden chair, no blood, but there will be bruises, it looked pretty battered last night!!!
I am getting too old for all this merry making, its exhausting.
On a more sober note, this week I tried snorkeling, having had a go at scuba I thought this would be easier, well it wasn't easier, but it was different. I will need to practice the skills needed to snorkel. You don't have to panic, you have to keep your breathing steady, you also have to conserve energy, by not flapping around with your arms and practice using your fins instead. It was a very nice first attempt and I think I would like another go at it. Its less equipment intensive and not quite as scary. As a bonus I got a certificate and a badge, I do like a nice badge!!
Back into the fray, hope you all have a great week.