Sunday, August 12, 2007

One day.............

We went for a walk on the beach and guess who we found???
Well we were so pleased to meet up with Netts and Rosie for a walk along the beach and an ice cream. It was a beautiful blustery sunny morning , Rosie and Beth collected stones, I paddled. (I couldn't believe that Beth didn't want to) Rosie followed Beth onto the rocks and wanted to climb, but it was all a bit scary, I was worried she would fall. Netts was very relaxed! (good front you put up there Annette!!!) After Netts played the take the shoes off and put the shoes on game, we headed off to find a warming cuppa. The kids of course had a nice ice cream!
It was lovely to see you Miss Muckyfingers, must do it again soon!!!!


suebaru said...

Oh you lucky thing ,seeing Miss Mucky!

Anonymous said...

I love the photo of the 3 of us. Fab morning thanks Lyzzy xoxoxox