Sunday, July 02, 2006

Its been blimming hot !!

This weekend has been a scorcher, I mustn't complain as its likely to be all the summer we are likely to get ! It has been a busy one. After the disappointment of the football yesterday (all Toms fault for saying our bad luck at penalties couldn't continue!!) I spent the time today continuing with my mission to clear out my cupboards. We popped into Stevenage and bought a couple of new dinner services and have finally got rid of the load of mismatched crockery that I have collected over the years. The problem was that they were the last two left in Argos and they couldn't remember where they had hidden them. So we stood at the counter dripping with sweat and feeling increasingly pissed off as people came and collected their goods. When eventually a member of staff came over and said they would have to offer a refund as they were lost, at precisely the same time as they appeared.

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