Monday, September 07, 2009

Monday 7th of September 2009 - Day 4 Post Op.

Well today was the day that they planned and managed to get dad up. He spent the afternoon sitting in a chair. He has come off of kidney Dialysis and is managing without it. They have given him a couple of units of blood to boost him up so he seems to be on the up. He is still bothered by the oxygen mask which is annoying the life out of him, hurting his nose and his chin. He is still confused as well sometimes not realising where he is or what is going on.
This confusion was a feature of his last stay in ICU and it didn't stop until he was taken off of dialysis. Last time he was agitated and continually rattled the bed sides and shouted at the staff. This is not at all his usual behaviour, but it is a well known side effect of heart surgery, it seems if it has happened to you once before it makes it more likely to happen.
His body is trying to heal itself and lack of oxygen and dehydration can make matters worse. We are hoping that like last time this will pass and as time goes by he will get back to himself.
So again small steps in the right direction, I hope he will soon be heading for the ward.

Today Beth started back to school, she is now year 8 and likes her new form teacher, (A young NQT very enthusiastic and as a bonus her new maths teacher!) Laura has spent the day with a mutual friend who works at a college and she has really enjoyed the experience. Carl is still planning for his time at Uni!! (still looking for a small cheap fridge!!)

1 comment:

kazher said...

Grahams got a spare beer fridge that Carl is welcome to borrow until a better one comes up..