Thursday, January 27, 2011

Looking Forward.

We have been at the front end of the government cuts, this has manifested itself in the lack of staff on duty to look after the patients in the rehabilitation hospital when mum is resident. As I said yesterday I do not blame the staff, they are doing an incredibly hard job with fewer and fewer members of staff. In fact its more luck than judgement that it all holds together, one day the wheel will come off and I expect it already has somewhere. I am worried what the future holds for our public services. All of us in Public Service are facing the prospect of job cuts and the very real problem of unemployment. Wages are frozen which in real terms is a reduction, taxes (VAT)  and national insurance are going up, interest rates are likely to rise.
So we are faced with trying to make ends meet in an increasingly difficult economic climate.
The TUC have a march and rally planned for the 26th of March, just before the local government elections. I find myself doing things in reverse. I never even considered doing any marches when I was in my youth, but now at 50 I find that I can't really just stand by and watch things fall apart, I have to at least try and have a say. So I plan to go on the March and Rally in London on the 26th of March.

This may in the end be the only way anyone will take at least some notice. I am not expecting a miracle, but if its something that I am considering for the very first time in my life, perhaps there are others like me out there!!

Tonight Mum was still a bit down in the dumps, but everyday she has been off of the drugs I can see the old Mum coming back, the confusion and fog seem to be lifting. So I expect its not nice from her side, but I think she will be far better off in the long run. I feel that she is now seeing that she has a future. I think she is poised to start moving on and eventually out.

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